26 June 2014

When feedings don't go well, and I get no sleep.

When I'm sleep deprived I kind of become insane.

But the day my grandfather dies I miraculous keep it together (mostly).

Further evidence that someone in Heaven cares about the well-being of my family.

24 June 2014

But Now I'm Down It

Kinda like a cloud I was up way up in the sky.
And I was feeling some feelings you wouldn't believe.
Sometimes I don't believe them myself and I decided I was never coming down...

I was up above it.
I was up above it.
I was up above it.
I was up above it.
Now I'm down in it

I used to be so big and strong.
I used to know my right from wrong.
I used to never be afraid.
I used to be somebody.

I used to have something inside.
Now just this hole it's open wide.
I used to want it all.
I used to be somebody.

I'll cross my heart and hope to die.
But the needle's already in my eye.
And all the world's weight is on my back and I don't even know why.
And what I used to think was me is just a fading memory.
I looked him right in the eye and said "goodbye."

05 June 2014

Keep Busy or else...

Things are going better. Had some talks with my hubby. That's going better. Well, then he bought me Minecraft, and I became obsessed with it... Nothing else new to report. Being busy. I suppose my taste in music is more pensive than usual, but that's just about it. Just keeping busy. Just keep busy. Keep busy.