12 August 2013

Manic Morning Sickness

For the past two weeks and two days I have been experiencing a manic episode. Recognizing the signs of such an episode have made it easier to maximize directing my manic energy toward hobbies and tasks... with one caveat: my morning sickness.

Oh, yes, my morning sickness is still at large, laying in wait for the moments I feel well enough to do anything other than sit in bed...

...So I've had to utilize my manic energy in other ways, such as: writing stories, genealogy, reading, looking at houses, online school shopping, blogging, singing karaoke, photoshop, movie watching, coloring, playing with legos, taking naps.

It's kind of frustrating. My mind feels like there's an electrical current running through it, and I'm aching to go conquer the world! My stomach on the other hand feels like rotting fish and a family of rodents have taken residence. So I just sit here with my mind on fire, trying to be somewhat of a decent mom, and trying to figure out ways to direct my energy without the nausea.

Hopefully I'll be able to do more soon. :-/

1 comment:

  1. Haha... you're so descriptive... it's fun to read. Sorry you're still sick... hopefully it will subside soon.
