24 September 2012

Honking the Horn: Is it Effective or just Mean?

I'll admit... I was a rather impatient driver today. It's a 15-20 minute drive to my daughter's preschool, and anything more than that is just unfair.
But I may have gotten a bit carried away. I think I honked my horn 5 or 6 times today. That's a new record! And it's not like these were blaring honks by any means... It was the lightest tap possible to get the people in front of me to move, because they were either turned around disciplining their kids, or talking on their cell phone, or just too busy hanging their arm blithely out the window... Come on, people!!

And I live in Utah... WHERE NO ONE HONKS EVER! So I've found a nice little tap of the horn to be greatly effective. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates this tactic of getting what I want whilst behind the wheel.

But, alas and alack, my impatience got a bit out of hand. I got way edgier than usual on the drive to and from my husband's work this afternoon, and he scolded me a bit. But it wasn't until I tapped my horn that he really got upset. I just don't understand. Is it some kind of huge taboo to honk your horn in a calm little town in spite of the fact that most of the people there can't drive??? The answer, apparently, is YES. But I realized my husband had a point. I needed to calm down and not worry about making it home in my dream time of 14 minutes. So I took a deep breath and gradually shifted from this:

To This:

... Hey, it could have been worse... and by worse I mean completely insane (You know what I mean, Cruella...).

But we've survived another day, and I have renewed hopes to forever be the slow, calm, stress-free driver... you know, the one everyone else gets mad at. muahahahaha....

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