23 April 2013

It's All In Your Head

Psychosomatic. It's like... the physical equivalent of Schizophrenic... Instead of seeing things that aren't real you're feeling pains that aren't there. It's when trauma and/or distress in your mind causes physical pain in your body, but no matter how many tests you have there won't be anything to find. Nothing's really wrong. It's all in your head.

It's probably the reason I've been in such freaking pain lately.

...Sometimes I really hate my body.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe... but it could be a colon problem or a problem with your gall bladder. Or just lingering pain from the miscarriage. You never know. If you keep hurting, I would see the Gastroenterologist... although anyone I've known who has a Gall Bladder problem says it takes months or even years before the doctor will diagnose them while they're still in pain... so I hope it's not that for your sake. I'm sorry you're going through so much pain. I hope it will go away soon.
